The Nitron is, without adoubt, the finest 9 cell non-crossbraced parachute design on the planet, and we have seen them all.
Skydivers want predictable openings without having to worry about getting slam dunked or spun-up one way or the other. They want responsive, smooth, and predictable front riser control without churning the canopy into a wild rodeo ride. They want plenty of manageable energy at the bottom end of the flight for those consistent dreamy landings. The Nitron truly exhibits all of the finest qualities we were looking for, and we are pretty finicky about quality and performance.
The Nitron features HMA (Technora) suspension lines for lowest bulk and drag, as well as for longevity and durability. The continuous line configuration has no cascades, and enables a more stable trim package for enhanced performance and
control. Our snag resistant collapsible slider comes standard. The Nitron is available in 8 sizes ranging from 78 to 170 square feet.